It’s time to celebrate! We recognize that graduation is one of the most significant events in your life. Show your achievements with high quality graduation products, including cap and gown, rings, announcements, diplomas, and diploma covers, all specifically design for your school.
Our office is a full service graduation product supplier. We have almost 70 years of experience in the industry. We are local to offer superior customer service to respond to your needs quickly with top quality products to match our service. We specialize in customizing solutions and understand the needs of our schools. Academic Affairs in an eco-friendly company. Our purpose is to help young people celebrate life’s experiences and traditions. This experience in the graduation service industry makes us qualified to be your school’s official provider, to preserve and build on graduation tradition with customized products, and assist your school to a higher standard of expectations.
An Eco Friendly Business
National Recognition Products is an Eco-Friendly Company. Our corporate-wide recycling campaign results in hundreds of tons of recyclable paper, aluminum and plastic each year. We have cut our hazardous waste generation to zero over the last five years and are also a zero landfill company. Our production output has increased by the double digits over the last couple of years, our energy consumption is down 20%. All packaging materials are 100% recycled and bio-degradable. Our “Green” product offering goes much further. Students have the option of paperless ordering on our website and we currently offer recyclable gowns, made of 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles for those committed to making this a greener planet.